Core Courses

Topics covered:

  • Dementia Awareness

Raise awareness and improve the skills of care staff who work with people with dementia

  • Equality and Diversity

Understand the meanings of Equality and Diversity, their difference, and relevant legislation

  • Infection Control Advanced

Build on your existing infection control knowledge and awareness. Take control and protect.

  • Infection Control Awareness

Minimise the risks of infection within your workplace, including the spread of viruses

  • Medication Awareness

Ensure staff are aware of the importance of accuracy when administering medication

  • Medication Advanced

Provides knowledge requirements for the safe control, handling, and administration of medicines.

  • Fire Safety Awareness

Designed as an introduction to fire safety for all employees. Comply with the law.

  • First Aid Awareness

Half-day first aid course covering basic life support and common required first aid skills.

  • Food Safety Level 2 Awareness

Where food is cooked, prepared or handled ensure everyone complies fully with UK legislation.

  • Health and Safety Awareness

Understand health and safety basics in the workplace. Ensure legal responsibilities are met.

  • Safeguarding Adults Level 1

Awareness of adult safeguarding and the key responsibilities of individuals that work.

  • Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 1

Develop awareness of key issues in safeguarding of children and young people.

  • Moving and Handling of People

Educate participants regarding both the requirements and risks associated with moving people.

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